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Night mode in smartphones is nonsense: researchers recommend the opposite

.Almost all smartphones now offer a so-called night mode, which should support the nightly biorhythm of the users. And the explanations for this also sound conclusive. However, they are far from correct.
 Night mode in smartphones is nonsense: researchers recommend the opposite

For some time now, providers have been saying that the proportion of blue light in the display lighting means that the user is kept awake when using his device late at night. 

The solution should lie in the night options, which are offered under different names. What they have in common is that the proportion of blue in the display lighting is reduced.

Research data published by Tim Brown of the University of Manchester in the journal Current Biology, however, indicate this that this has no effect. The assumption behind the blue reduction is quite understandable, the researcher explained. 

 Night mode in smartphones is nonsense: researchers recommend the opposite

After all, it is in line with the discoveries surrounding the role that the light-sensitive protein melanopsin plays for the internal clock. A review of the whole thing under scientific standards has not yet taken place.

Better switch it off properly

At least in the mouse experiment, Brown was now able to collect data on various display lights and it turned out that the effects of the current night features are rather opposite. 

The general brightness clearly had the greatest impact here. And if the light intensity remained the same, the supposedly more relaxing yellow light provided more activity in the evening, while a higher proportion of blue tended to have a calming effect.

Brown explains the data in such a way that the effect of blue light on melanopsin ultimately has significantly less impact on the bio-rhythm than the overall composition of the light spectrum. Because during the day the proportion of yellow is much higher, while blue is the colour of dawn. 

The conclusion here would be that users should rather do without the night functions and rather reduce the brightness. And if you really need to sleep at a certain time in order to be well-rested the next day, you should simply press the off switch some time beforehand.

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